Thursday, February 13, 2014

Romania, Prosecute the hunters who killed the dogs in the commune of Vorniceni!

A few will bounce

Mr. Costica Macaleti Prefect of Botosani County, Prefect of Botosani County
Mr. Florin Turcanu, President County Council Botosani
Mr. Toader Leampa, Mayor Vorniceni
President, DVS Botosani
Reporter, Botoseneanul
Reporter, Digi24
Reporter, ProTv
Find and prosecute at the full extend of the law the hunters who killed the dogs in the commune of Vorniceni !
To the Romanian Authorities

Autoritatilor Romane :

Again news of intentional killing of dogs, in drive by shooting manner, done by hunters in the commune of Vorniceni, Botosani County Romania, have outraged us.
We do not understand how is it possible that these individuals can shoot and kill animals wherever they want, whenever they want, in a cowardly manner, just for the sadistic pleasure of having killed animals who did not harm anybody.
As the article in the media states, these dogs were IN the commune, there for these individuals have opened fire where it definitively forbiden to do so.

Din nou,stiri despre caini ucisi intentionat, IN comuna Vorniceni, de catre vanatori, au ajuns de notorietate internationala. Nu intelegem cum pot acesti indivizi sa impuste animale, unde vor ei, cand vor ei, doar pentru placerea sadica de a ucide caini care nu au facut nimanui nici un rau. Dupa cum relateaza articolele citate, cainii se aflau pe teritoriul comunei, nu in afara ei, deci acesti indivizi au folosit arme de foc unde acest lucru era interzis.

We also found out that it is NOT the first time that hunters form the Hunters Association from Darabani have shot and killed many dogs and cows, in the same manner, just for fun, in 2010.
It appears that these individuals enjoy killing animals for no reason and the local authorities do nothing about their "hobby" !

Am aflat de asemenea ca nu este prima oara cand vanatorii din zona, din asociatia din Darabani, au masacrat in acest fel caini si vaci, tot din placerea sadica de a ucide. Este evident ca aceste persoane se distreaza ucigand animale dupa bunul plac, in timp ce autoritatile locale nu iau masurile necesare pentru a opri aceste "hobby"-uri.

With this petition we ask, the law enforcement agencies in the County of Botosani, to find these perpetrators, to prosecute them and to ask for the harshest punishments stipulated in the LAW 9/2008 !

Prin aceasta petitie , cerem tuturor autoritatilor din judetul Botosani, sa gaseasca persoanele care au comis acest act , sa le defere justitiei si sa ceara cele mai severe pedepse pentru crima comise, conform legii 9/2008 !

These barbaric actions must stop and the Police must implement the Law.

Aceste acte de barbarie trebuie sa inceteze si Politia Romania trebuie sa aplice legea.


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